Ah winter … when we all scramble between OPM’s status updates, Capital Weather Gang’s forecasts, and of course, the school closures. These last few days have been somewhat unpredictable and particularly trying, wouldn’t you agree?
New clients always call to ask if we’re going to cancel when the weather turns bad. And our answer is “Nope!”
As we posted on our Facebook page, and as loyal long-time clients can confirm, very little stops our teams! We may drive a bit slower than usual, and we may walk a bit more carefully from our car to your house. But unless the government orders people off the road, it’s just too dangerous for us to venture out, or we physically cannot get to you for some reason, Maid To Clean will stick to schedule and your house will be cleaned as planned.
Of course, if you want us not to come so you can just sleep in, that’s a whole other matter! (Please do keep in mind though, that if you do cancel, we’ll see you at your *next* scheduled appointment – whether that’s weekly, or bi-weekly.)
So unless we hear from you otherwise, we’ll see you through the winter. We’ll just bring our thermoses of coffee and hot liquids with us. It does get cold on the road!