maid to clean

Car Free Day! September 22, 2015

You know we’re green at Maid To Clean, and that we love our bikes only a bit less than we love our pets. We live for a good day to…

open windows overlooking tiled roof

Let The Fresh Air In…

Finally! At long last, winter may actually be over. Yes, we’ll have a few chilly mornings, but for the most part, we see spring—or as we like to call it,…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Let’s face it, it’s easier to get in the mood if you’re not responsible for, y’know, boring things like cleaning. Because “Dusting gets me in the mood!” Said no one.…

Of Course We’re Open President’s Day

Why yes, we’re open President’s Day. Did you doubt it? We do actually close, in case you’re wondering. We close for the big days – New Years Day, Memorial Day,…

Calling All Snowbirds

‘Tis the season – to abandon winter, if you can. Yes, we haven’t had a good whomping of snow yet. Not that we’re complaining. But two and a half weeks…

Tricky Cleaning Targets

We take pride in doing a great job. But we’re not too proud to admit that some things pose challenges. When you ask us to clean these four things, it’s…

Back-To-School Special

Shh…do you hear that? It’s the sound of fall, of kids back in school, of all of us settling back into our regular work routines. We’ve said this before, we…

Don't we all want a piece of that image this time of year? (image by Nick Harris/Flickr)

While You Were Out

It’s vacation season, and no doubt you’re looking forward to that time off—even if it’s just a couple of days. But coming home usually creates two responses. You’re either energized…

Summer Schedules – Just A Second!

The summer is slow, but it’s far from predictable. A combination of clients and staff on vacation plus more visitors than normal and kids back from college for the break…